Monday, February 18, 2008

Page 123, Sentences 6-8

Going around the blogosphere is the page 123 challenge:
Here are the Rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth complete sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences, (sentences 6, 7, and 8).
5. Tag five people

I have at hand two books. The first is Case Grammar Theory by Walter A. Cook. The sentences are:

... Fillmore adds both coreferential roles and lexicalized roles in his 1971 model.

Jackendoff's stated reasons for preferring the system of thematic relations over case grammar are that (1) 'it provides a way of unifying various uses of the same morphological verb' and (2) it allows us to state certain generalizations for some transformational rules such as Passive, Reflexive, and Equi NP deletion. As for the first reason, it was Fillmore's stated objective to unify different uses of the same verb, such as the intransitive/transitive uses of the verb break and the use of the verb with and without the Instrument case. ...

OK, maybe I should try the other one, a SF novel Lost in Translation by Edward Willett

... Who is more likely to be working for those who want a war that could destroy the Commonwealth and with it the Guild of Translators: Those S'sinn who are whole and l0ng for revenge and glory, or me? Destroy the Commonwealth, destroy the Guild, and you destroy me. I have no part of the glory of the S'sinn race: I died to that race the day the human beamer crippled my wing. ...

That may be better.

As for tagging others, well, anyne who happens on this blog can consider yourself tagged (unless of course you don't want to be tagged)...


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